The Name Game
Adam Axbey?
Michelle Bolduc?
I think Adam Axbey sounds pretty cool. And Michelle wouldn't have to change her professional name. Also, I think it sends a nice message to the world that we're not automatically subscribing to assigned gender roles. But. On an emotional level I'm pretty attached to Bolduc. Not only do I have a deep love for my family but I've had to fight for this name. I've put up with a lot of teasing, correcting people on the "proper" pronounciation and as such it's not as easy as I thought it would be to let go of it. I'll also have to explain to my parents that it has nothing to do with how I feel about our family - and it might just kill my Granny (though she could go any day now). Still, that's the way I'm leaning. Adam Axbey...
BTW, while either of us might chose to hyphenate our middle name (Daniel-Bolduc or Ann-Axbey) last name hyphenates or different last names are gross and not being considered.
If you're worried about how granny might feel, you could remind her that you could always change your last name to Price... I'm sure she'll think Axbey is much better, and then she'll probably make an inappropriate comment about Michelle's legs.
I think this is fitting. Given that you are dead to me :P
Adam Axbey does sound pretty cool, but every time I saw it writting I'd start thinking about how much alliteration I could get into a sentence starting with your name. Adam Axbey always appreciates adoring applause. 'Cept with more words that start with A.
oh my god that's genius and i think that kinda fun would NEVER get old either...
ps. don't think of this as a reason not to do it.
....or you could just keep your names as is.
What is a name when you are in love?
(plus it will save you a lot of paperwork later if you jsut keep your names)
Mr. 588 (of 'The 588 Crew')
I sometimes wish I spent time proof reading.
I sometimes wish I could edit my posts.
I sometimes wish I had a time machine.
Oh - if you have kids with the last name Axbey they will get called on by teachers sooner.
I sometimes wish my name _would_ write itself. But I'd prolly never be able to get it to stop.
BTW: it has recently come to my intention that calling hyphenated last names and not switching names "gross" was insensitive. And it was. More importantly it was not funny, which it was supposed to be. I could explain to you why I find most blanket statements inherently funny, but BORING and I could also explain how I was trying to make fun of myself for prefering one thing over another without any real reason but YAWN. In closing, please visit this link:
or uh, cut and paste that link. mmm diarrhea.
(obviously adam is the doofus, not herself...)
Are we now referring to Nicole as 'herself'? Cause I'm not too sure how well that's gonna go over...
no you doofus! the one with the ring...remember of this here blog...
dammit, and here I thought I was an entity. does this mean "I'm right. Science proves it." is losing its force?
I'm not sure referring to Michelle as "herself" is going to go any better, for the record.
p.s. Adam Axbey. Adam Axbey. Adam Axbey. Not because I want to hurt your mother, but because a chance at a name like that is in the "Johnny Stardom" category. You can choose to pass it up, but ohhh...
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