way outside the budget
The old capitol theatre, way out of our league, but gorgeous. And they get extra points for having the balls to post their prices for almost everything on their websit. Here's how the costs breakdown for our guestimated guest list of 150 guests. Bear in mind that the the reception is supposed to be %50 of your wedding budget.
Venue rental: 5PM-2AM: 2750 + 175 x 1.07 (this is for Friday, Saturday's are 3750. Smart people would book a Sunday for 2000 with a Civic holiday on the Monday after)
Open bar, 9pm-1am: basic package 32x150x1.30 = 6240 (for top shelf, 7605)
So far, I'm more than double our "ideal" budget for the entire wedding. I know $5000 isn't a super realistic budget for a big-ish downtown Toronto wedding, but we've got something to work towards.